255 lines
8.3 KiB
255 lines
8.3 KiB
import datetime
import math
import os
import mimetypes
from io import FileIO, SEEK_SET
from typing import Union, TYPE_CHECKING
import click
from hachoir.metadata.metadata import RootMetadata
from hachoir.metadata.video import MP4Metadata
from telethon.tl.types import DocumentAttributeVideo, DocumentAttributeFilename
from telegram_upload.caption_formatter import CaptionFormatter, FilePath
from telegram_upload.exceptions import TelegramInvalidFile, ThumbError
from telegram_upload.utils import scantree, truncate
from telegram_upload.video import get_video_thumb, video_metadata
from telegram_upload.client import TelegramManagerClient
def is_valid_file(file, error_logger=None):
error_message = None
if not os.path.lexists(file):
error_message = 'File "{}" does not exist.'.format(file)
elif not os.path.getsize(file):
error_message = 'File "{}" is empty.'.format(file)
if error_message and error_logger is not None:
return error_message is None
def get_file_mime(file):
return (mimetypes.guess_type(file)[0] or ('')).split('/')[0]
def metadata_has(metadata: RootMetadata, key: str):
return metadata.has(key)
except ValueError:
return False
def get_file_attributes(file):
attrs = []
mime = get_file_mime(file)
if mime == 'video':
metadata = video_metadata(file)
video_meta = metadata
meta_groups = None
if hasattr(metadata, '_MultipleMetadata__groups'):
# Is mkv
meta_groups = metadata._MultipleMetadata__groups
if metadata is not None and not metadata.has('width') and meta_groups:
video_meta = meta_groups[next(filter(lambda x: x.startswith('video'), meta_groups._key_list))]
if metadata is not None:
supports_streaming = isinstance(video_meta, MP4Metadata)
(0, metadata.get('duration').seconds)[metadata_has(metadata, 'duration')],
(0, video_meta.get('width'))[metadata_has(video_meta, 'width')],
(0, video_meta.get('height'))[metadata_has(video_meta, 'height')],
return attrs
def get_file_thumb(file):
if get_file_mime(file) == 'video':
return get_video_thumb(file)
class UploadFilesBase:
def __init__(self, client: 'TelegramManagerClient', files, thumbnail: Union[str, bool, None] = None,
force_file: bool = False, caption: Union[str, None] = None):
self._iterator = None
self.client = client
self.files = files
self.thumbnail = thumbnail
self.force_file = force_file
self.caption = caption
def get_iterator(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def __iter__(self):
self._iterator = self.get_iterator()
return self
def __next__(self):
if self._iterator is None:
self._iterator = self.get_iterator()
return next(self._iterator)
class RecursiveFiles(UploadFilesBase):
def get_iterator(self):
for file in self.files:
if os.path.isdir(file):
yield from map(lambda file: file.path,
filter(lambda x: not x.is_dir(), scantree(file, True)))
yield file
class NoDirectoriesFiles(UploadFilesBase):
def get_iterator(self):
for file in self.files:
if os.path.isdir(file):
raise TelegramInvalidFile('"{}" is a directory.'.format(file))
yield file
class LargeFilesBase(UploadFilesBase):
def get_iterator(self):
for file in self.files:
if os.path.getsize(file) > self.client.max_file_size:
yield from self.process_large_file(file)
yield self.process_normal_file(file)
def process_normal_file(self, file: str) -> 'File':
return File(self.client, file, force_file=self.force_file, thumbnail=self.thumbnail, caption=self.caption)
def process_large_file(self, file):
raise NotImplementedError
class NoLargeFiles(LargeFilesBase):
def process_large_file(self, file):
raise TelegramInvalidFile('"{}" file is too large for Telegram.'.format(file))
class File(FileIO):
force_file = False
def __init__(self, client: 'TelegramManagerClient', path: str, force_file: Union[bool, None] = None,
thumbnail: Union[str, bool, None] = None, caption: Union[str, None] = None):
self.client = client
self.path = path
self.force_file = self.force_file if force_file is None else force_file
self._thumbnail = thumbnail
self._caption = caption
def file_name(self):
return os.path.basename(self.path)
def file_size(self):
return os.path.getsize(self.path)
def short_name(self):
return '.'.join(self.file_name.split('.')[:-1])
def is_custom_thumbnail(self):
return self._thumbnail is not False and self._thumbnail is not None
def file_caption(self) -> str:
"""Get file caption. If caption parameter is not set, return file name.
If caption is set, format it with CaptionFormatter.
Anyways, truncate caption to max_caption_length.
if self._caption is not None:
formatter = CaptionFormatter()
caption = formatter.format(self._caption, file=FilePath(self.path), now=datetime.datetime.now())
caption = self.short_name
return truncate(caption, self.client.max_caption_length)
def get_thumbnail(self):
thumb = None
if self._thumbnail is None and not self.force_file:
thumb = get_file_thumb(self.path)
except ThumbError as e:
click.echo('{}'.format(e), err=True)
elif self.is_custom_thumbnail:
if not isinstance(self._thumbnail, str):
raise TypeError('Invalid type for thumbnail: {}'.format(type(self._thumbnail)))
elif not os.path.lexists(self._thumbnail):
raise TelegramInvalidFile('{} thumbnail file does not exists.'.format(self._thumbnail))
thumb = self._thumbnail
return thumb
def file_attributes(self):
if self.force_file:
return [DocumentAttributeFilename(self.file_name)]
return get_file_attributes(self.path)
class SplitFile(File, FileIO):
force_file = True
def __init__(self, client: 'TelegramManagerClient', file: Union[str, bytes, int], max_read_size: int, name: str):
super().__init__(client, file)
self.max_read_size = max_read_size
self.remaining_size = max_read_size
self._name = name
def read(self, size: int = -1) -> bytes:
if size == -1:
size = self.remaining_size
if not self.remaining_size:
return b''
size = min(self.remaining_size, size)
self.remaining_size -= size
return super().read(size)
def readall(self) -> bytes:
return self.read()
def file_name(self):
return self._name
def file_size(self):
return self.max_read_size
def seek(self, offset: int, whence: int = SEEK_SET, split_seek: bool = False) -> int:
if not split_seek:
self.remaining_size += self.tell() - offset
return super().seek(offset, whence)
def short_name(self):
return self.file_name.split('/')[-1]
class SplitFiles(LargeFilesBase):
def process_large_file(self, file):
file_name = os.path.basename(file)
total_size = os.path.getsize(file)
parts = math.ceil(total_size / self.client.max_file_size)
zfill = int(math.log10(10)) + 1
for part in range(parts):
size = total_size - (part * self.client.max_file_size) if part >= parts - 1 else self.client.max_file_size
splitted_file = SplitFile(self.client, file, size, '{}.{}'.format(file_name, str(part).zfill(zfill)))
splitted_file.seek(self.client.max_file_size * part, split_seek=True)
yield splitted_file