This commit is contained in:
Jagrit Thapar 2024-08-16 19:34:11 +05:30
commit fee546d5e1
16 changed files with 2232 additions and 0 deletions

7 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Top-level package for telegram-upload."""
__author__ = """Nekmo"""
__email__ = ''
__version__ = '0.7.1'

67 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
import collections
import sys
import typing
from os import scandir
except ImportError:
from scandir import scandir
async def anext(iterator: typing.AsyncIterator[typing.Any], *args, **kwargs
) -> typing.Any:
"""Mimics the builtin ``next`` for an ``AsyncIterator``.
:param iterator: An ``AsyncIterator`` to get the next value from.
:param default: Can be supplied as second arg or as a kwarg. If a value is
supplied in either of those positions then a
``StopAsyncIteration`` will not be raised and the
``default`` will be returned.
:raises TypeError: If the input is not a :class:`collections.AsyncIterator`
>>> async def main():
myrange = await arange(1, 5)
for n in range(1, 5):
print(n, n == await anext(myrange))
n = await anext(myrange)
print("This should not be shown")
except StopAsyncIteration:
print('Sorry no more values!')
>>> loop.run_until_complete(main())
1 True
2 True
3 True
4 True
Sorry no more values!
if not isinstance(iterator, collections.AsyncIterator):
raise TypeError(f'Not an AsyncIterator: {iterator}')
use_default = False
default = None
if len(args) > 0:
default = args[0]
use_default = True
if 'default' in kwargs:
default = kwargs['default']
use_default = True
return await iterator.__anext__()
except StopAsyncIteration:
if use_default:
return default
raise StopAsyncIteration

358 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
import _string
import datetime
import hashlib
import mimetypes
import os
import sys
import zlib
from pathlib import Path, PosixPath, WindowsPath
from string import Formatter
from typing import Any, Sequence, Mapping, Tuple, Optional
import click
from import video_metadata
from typing import LiteralString
except ImportError:
LiteralString = str
if sys.version_info < (3, 8):
cached_property = property
from functools import cached_property
VALID_TYPES: Tuple[Any, ...] = (str, int, float, complex, bool, datetime.datetime,, datetime.time)
AUTHORIZED_STRING_METHODS = ("title", "capitalize", "lower", "upper", "swapcase", "strip", "lstrip", "rstrip")
"astimezone", "ctime", "date", "dst", "isoformat", "isoweekday", "now", "time",
"timestamp", "today", "toordinal", "tzname", "utcnow", "utcoffset", "weekday"
class Duration:
def __init__(self, seconds: int):
self.seconds = seconds
def as_minutes(self) -> int:
return self.seconds // 60
def as_hours(self) -> int:
return self.as_minutes // 60
def as_days(self) -> int:
return self.as_hours // 24
def for_humans(self) -> str:
words = ["year", "day", "hour", "minute", "second"]
if not self.seconds:
return "now"
m, s = divmod(self.seconds, 60)
h, m = divmod(m, 60)
d, h = divmod(h, 24)
y, d = divmod(d, 365)
time = [y, d, h, m, s]
duration = []
for x, i in enumerate(time):
if i == 1:
duration.append(f"{i} {words[x]}")
elif i > 1:
duration.append(f"{i} {words[x]}s")
if len(duration) == 1:
return duration[0]
elif len(duration) == 2:
return f"{duration[0]} and {duration[1]}"
return ", ".join(duration[:-1]) + " and " + duration[-1]
def __int__(self) -> int:
return self.seconds
def __str__(self) -> str:
return str(self.seconds)
class FileSize:
def __init__(self, size: int):
self.size = size
def as_kilobytes(self) -> int:
return self.size // 1000
def as_megabytes(self) -> int:
return self.as_kilobytes // 1000
def as_gigabytes(self) -> int:
return self.as_megabytes // 1000
def as_kibibytes(self) -> int:
return self.size // 1024
def as_mebibytes(self) -> int:
return self.as_kibibytes // 1024
def as_gibibytes(self) -> int:
return self.as_mebibytes // 1024
def for_humans(self, suffix="B") -> str:
num = self.size
for unit in ("", "Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti", "Pi", "Ei", "Zi"):
if abs(num) < 1024.0:
return f"{num:3.1f} {unit}{suffix}"
num /= 1024.0
return f"{num:.1f} Yi{suffix}"
def __int__(self) -> int:
return self.size
def __str__(self) -> str:
return str(self.size)
class FileMedia:
def __init__(self, path: str):
self.path = path
self.metadata = video_metadata(path)
def video_metadata(self) -> Any:
metadata = self.metadata
meta_groups = None
if hasattr(metadata, '_MultipleMetadata__groups'):
# Is mkv
meta_groups = metadata._MultipleMetadata__groups
if metadata is not None and not metadata.has('width') and meta_groups:
return meta_groups[next(filter(lambda x: x.startswith('video'), meta_groups._key_list))]
return metadata
def duration(self) -> Optional[Duration]:
if self.metadata and self.metadata.has('duration'):
return Duration(self.metadata.get('duration').seconds)
def _get_video_metadata(self, key: str) -> Optional[Any]:
if self.video_metadata and self.video_metadata.has(key):
return self.video_metadata.get(key)
def _get_metadata(self, key: str) -> Optional[Any]:
if self.metadata and self.metadata.has(key):
return self.metadata.get(key)
def width(self) -> Optional[int]:
return self._get_video_metadata('width')
def height(self) -> Optional[int]:
return self._get_video_metadata('height')
def title(self) -> Optional[str]:
return self._get_metadata('title')
def artist(self) -> Optional[str]:
return self._get_metadata('artist')
def album(self) -> Optional[str]:
return self._get_metadata('album')
def producer(self) -> Optional[str]:
return self._get_metadata('producer')
class FileMixin:
def _calculate_hash(self, hash_calculator: Any) -> str:
with open(str(self), "rb") as f:
# Read and update hash string value in blocks
for byte_block in iter(lambda:, b""):
return hash_calculator.hexdigest()
def md5(self) -> str:
return self._calculate_hash(hashlib.md5())
def sha1(self) -> str:
return self._calculate_hash(hashlib.sha1())
def sha224(self) -> str:
return self._calculate_hash(hashlib.sha224())
def sha256(self) -> str:
return self._calculate_hash(hashlib.sha256())
def sha384(self) -> str:
return self._calculate_hash(hashlib.sha384())
def sha512(self) -> str:
return self._calculate_hash(hashlib.sha512())
def sha3_224(self) -> str:
return self._calculate_hash(hashlib.sha3_224())
def sha3_256(self) -> str:
return self._calculate_hash(hashlib.sha3_256())
def sha3_384(self) -> str:
return self._calculate_hash(hashlib.sha3_384())
def sha3_512(self) -> str:
return self._calculate_hash(hashlib.sha3_512())
def crc32(self) -> str:
with open(str(self), "rb") as f:
calculated_hash = 0
# Read and update hash string value in blocks
for byte_block in iter(lambda:, b""):
calculated_hash = zlib.crc32(byte_block, calculated_hash)
return "%08X" % (calculated_hash & 0xFFFFFFFF)
def adler32(self) -> str:
with open(str(self), "rb") as f:
calculated_hash = 1
# Read and update hash string value in blocks
for byte_block in iter(lambda:, b""):
calculated_hash = zlib.adler32(byte_block, calculated_hash)
if calculated_hash < 0:
calculated_hash += 2 ** 32
return hex(calculated_hash)[2:10].zfill(8)
def _file_stat(self) -> os.stat_result:
return os.stat(str(self))
def ctime(self) -> datetime.datetime:
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self._file_stat.st_ctime)
def mtime(self) -> datetime.datetime:
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self._file_stat.st_mtime)
def atime(self) -> datetime.datetime:
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self._file_stat.st_atime)
def size(self) -> FileSize:
return FileSize(self._file_stat.st_size)
def media(self) -> FileMedia:
return FileMedia(str(self))
def mimetype(self) -> Optional[str]:
return mimetypes.guess_type(str(self))[0]
def suffixes(self) -> str:
return "".join(super().suffixes)
def absolute(self) -> "FilePath":
return super().absolute()
def relative(self) -> "FilePath":
return self.relative_to(Path.cwd())
class FilePath(FileMixin, Path):
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
if cls is FilePath:
cls = WindowsFilePath if == 'nt' else PosixFilePath
self = cls._from_parts(args)
if not self._flavour.is_supported:
raise NotImplementedError("cannot instantiate %r on your system"
% (cls.__name__,))
return self
class WindowsFilePath(FileMixin, WindowsPath):
class PosixFilePath(FileMixin, PosixPath):
class CaptionFormatter(Formatter):
def get_field(self, field_name: str, args: Sequence[Any], kwargs: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Any:
if "._" in field_name:
raise TypeError(f'Access to private property in {field_name}')
obj, first = super().get_field(field_name, args, kwargs)
has_func = hasattr(obj, "__func__")
has_self = hasattr(obj, "__self__")
if (has_func and obj.__func__ in AUTHORIZED_METHODS) or \
(has_self and isinstance(obj.__self__, str) and obj.__name__ in AUTHORIZED_STRING_METHODS) or \
(has_self and isinstance(obj.__self__, datetime.datetime)
and obj.__name__ in AUTHORIZED_DT_METHODS):
obj = obj()
if not isinstance(obj, VALID_TYPES + (WindowsFilePath, PosixFilePath, FilePath, FileSize, Duration)):
raise TypeError(f'Invalid type for {field_name}: {type(obj)}')
return obj, first
except Exception:
first, rest = _string.formatter_field_name_split(field_name)
return '{' + field_name + '}', first
def format(self, __format_string: LiteralString, *args: LiteralString, **kwargs: LiteralString) -> LiteralString:
return super().format(__format_string, *args, **kwargs)
except ValueError:
return __format_string
@click.argument('file', type=click.Path(exists=True))
@click.argument('caption_format', type=str)
def test_caption_format(file: str, caption_format: str) -> None:
"""Test the caption format on a given file"""
file_path = FilePath(file)
formatter = CaptionFormatter()
print(formatter.format(caption_format, file=file_path,
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Testing mode

147 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
import asyncio
from typing import Sequence, Tuple, List, TypeVar
import click
from prompt_toolkit.filters import Condition
from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text import AnyFormattedText
from prompt_toolkit.key_binding import KeyBindings
from prompt_toolkit.layout import FormattedTextControl, Window, ConditionalMargin, ScrollbarMargin
from prompt_toolkit.widgets import CheckboxList, RadioList
from prompt_toolkit.widgets.base import E, _DialogList
from telegram_upload.utils import aislice
_T = TypeVar("_T")
async def async_handler(handler, event):
if handler:
await handler(event)
# Tell the application to redraw. We need to do this,
# because the below event handler won't be able to
# wait for the task to finish.
class IterableDialogList(_DialogList):
many = False
def __init__(self, values: Sequence[Tuple[_T, AnyFormattedText]]) -> None:
async def _init(self, values: Sequence[Tuple[_T, AnyFormattedText]]) -> None:
started_values = await aislice(values, PAGE_SIZE)
# started_values = await aislice(values, PAGE_SIZE)
if not started_values:
raise IndexError('Values is empty.')
self.values = started_values
# current_values will be used in multiple_selection,
# current_value will be used otherwise.
self.current_values: List[_T] = []
self.current_value: _T = started_values[0][0]
self._selected_index = 0
# Key bindings.
kb = KeyBindings()
def _up(event: E) -> None:
self._selected_index = max(0, self._selected_index - 1)
def _down(event: E) -> None:
async def handler(event):
if self._selected_index + 1 >= len(self.values):
self.values.extend(await aislice(values, PAGE_SIZE))
self._selected_index = min(len(self.values) - 1, self._selected_index + 1)
asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task(async_handler(handler, event))
def _pageup(event: E) -> None:
w =
if w.render_info:
self._selected_index = max(
0, self._selected_index - len(w.render_info.displayed_lines)
def _pagedown(event: E) -> None:
async def handler(event):
w =
if self._selected_index + len(w.render_info.displayed_lines) >= len(self.values):
self.values.extend(await aislice(values, PAGE_SIZE))
if w.render_info:
self._selected_index = min(
len(self.values) - 1,
self._selected_index + len(w.render_info.displayed_lines),
asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task(async_handler(handler, event))
def _enter(event: E) -> None:
if self.many:
@kb.add(" ")
def _enter(event: E) -> None:
# Control and window.
self.control = FormattedTextControl(
self._get_text_fragments, key_bindings=kb, focusable=True
self.window = Window(
filter=Condition(lambda: self.show_scrollbar),
class IterableCheckboxList(IterableDialogList, CheckboxList):
many = True
class IterableRadioList(IterableDialogList, RadioList):
async def show_cli_widget(widget):
from prompt_toolkit import Application
from prompt_toolkit.layout import Layout
app = Application(full_screen=False, layout=Layout(widget), mouse_support=True)
return await app.run_async()
async def show_checkboxlist(iterator, not_items_error='No items were found. Exiting...'):
# iterator = map(lambda x: (x, f'{x.text} by {}'), iterator)
checkbox_list = IterableCheckboxList(iterator)
await checkbox_list._init(iterator)
except IndexError:
click.echo(not_items_error, err=True)
return []
return await show_cli_widget(checkbox_list)
async def show_radiolist(iterator, not_items_error='No items were found. Exiting...'):
radio_list = IterableRadioList(iterator)
await radio_list._init(iterator)
except IndexError:
click.echo(not_items_error, err=True)
return None
return await show_cli_widget(radio_list)

client/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
from telegram_upload.client.telegram_manager_client import TelegramManagerClient, get_message_file_attribute
__all__ = ["TelegramManagerClient", "get_message_file_attribute"]

client/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
from ctypes import c_int64
import click
def get_progress_bar(action, file, length):
bar = click.progressbar(label='{} "{}"'.format(action, file), length=length)
last_current = c_int64(0)
def progress(current, total):
if current < last_current.value:
bar.pos = 0
last_current.value = current
return progress, bar

View File

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
import asyncio
import inspect
import io
import pathlib
import sys
from typing import Iterable
import typing
from more_itertools import grouper
from telethon import TelegramClient, utils, helpers
from telethon.client.downloads import MIN_CHUNK_SIZE
from telethon.crypto import AES
from telegram_upload.client.progress_bar import get_progress_bar
from telegram_upload.download_files import DownloadFile
from telegram_upload.exceptions import TelegramUploadNoSpaceError
from telegram_upload.utils import free_disk_usage, sizeof_fmt, get_environment_integer
if sys.version_info < (3, 10):
from telegram_upload._compat import anext
class TelegramDownloadClient(TelegramClient):
def find_files(self, entity):
for message in self.iter_messages(entity):
if message.document:
yield message
async def iter_files(self, entity):
async for message in self.iter_messages(entity=entity):
if message.document:
yield message
def download_files(self, entity, download_files: Iterable[DownloadFile], delete_on_success: bool = False):
for download_file in download_files:
if download_file.size > free_disk_usage():
raise TelegramUploadNoSpaceError(
'There is no disk space to download "{}". Space required: {}'.format(
download_file.file_name, sizeof_fmt(download_file.size - free_disk_usage())
progress, bar = get_progress_bar('Downloading', download_file.file_name, download_file.size)
file_name = download_file.file_name
file_name = self.download_media(download_file.message, progress_callback=progress)
bar.label = f'Downloaded "{file_name}"'
bar.update(1, 1)
if delete_on_success:
self.delete_messages(entity, [download_file.message])
async def _download_file(
self: 'TelegramClient',
input_location: 'hints.FileLike',
file: 'hints.OutFileLike' = None,
part_size_kb: float = None,
file_size: int = None,
progress_callback: 'hints.ProgressCallback' = None,
dc_id: int = None,
key: bytes = None,
iv: bytes = None,
msg_data: tuple = None) -> typing.Optional[bytes]:
if not part_size_kb:
if not file_size:
part_size_kb = 64 # Reasonable default
part_size_kb = utils.get_appropriated_part_size(file_size)
part_size = int(part_size_kb * 1024)
if part_size % MIN_CHUNK_SIZE != 0:
raise ValueError(
'The part size must be evenly divisible by 4096.')
if isinstance(file, pathlib.Path):
file = str(file.absolute())
in_memory = file is None or file is bytes
if in_memory:
f = io.BytesIO()
elif isinstance(file, str):
# Ensure that we'll be able to download the media
f = open(file, 'wb')
f = file
# The speed of this code can be improved. 10 requests are made in parallel, but it waits for all 10 to
# finish before launching another 10.
for tasks in grouper(self._iter_download_chunk_tasks(input_location, part_size, dc_id, msg_data, file_size),
tasks = list(filter(bool, tasks))
await asyncio.wait(tasks)
chunk = b''.join(filter(bool, [task.result() for task in tasks]))
if not chunk:
if iv and key:
chunk = AES.decrypt_ige(chunk, key, iv)
r = f.write(chunk)
if inspect.isawaitable(r):
await r
if progress_callback:
r = progress_callback(f.tell(), file_size)
if inspect.isawaitable(r):
await r
# Not all IO objects have flush (see #1227)
if callable(getattr(f, 'flush', None)):
if in_memory:
return f.getvalue()
if isinstance(file, str) or in_memory:
def _iter_download_chunk_tasks(self, input_location, part_size, dc_id, msg_data, file_size):
for i in range(0, file_size, part_size):
yield self.loop.create_task(
anext(self._iter_download(input_location, offset=i, request_size=part_size, dc_id=dc_id,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
import getpass
import json
import os
import re
import sys
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
from typing import Union
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import click
from telethon.errors import ApiIdInvalidError
from import ConnectionTcpMTProxyRandomizedIntermediate
from import DocumentAttributeFilename, User, InputPeerUser
from telethon.version import __version__ as telethon_version
from telegram_upload.client.telegram_download_client import TelegramDownloadClient
from telegram_upload.client.telegram_upload_client import TelegramUploadClient
from telegram_upload.config import SESSION_FILE
from telegram_upload.exceptions import TelegramProxyError, InvalidApiFileError
if StrictVersion(telethon_version) >= StrictVersion('1.0'):
import telethon.sync # noqa
if sys.version_info < (3, 8):
cached_property = property
from functools import cached_property
BOT_USER_MAX_FILE_SIZE = 52428800 # 50MB
USER_MAX_FILE_SIZE = 2097152000 # 2GB
def get_message_file_attribute(message):
return next(filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, DocumentAttributeFilename),
message.document.attributes), None)
def phone_match(value):
match = re.match(r'\+?[0-9.()\[\] \-]+', value)
if match is None:
raise ValueError('{} is not a valid phone'.format(value))
return value
def get_proxy_environment_variable():
if env_name in os.environ:
return os.environ[env_name]
def parse_proxy_string(proxy: Union[str, None]):
if not proxy:
return None
proxy_parsed = urlparse(proxy)
if not proxy_parsed.scheme or not proxy_parsed.hostname or not proxy_parsed.port:
raise TelegramProxyError('Malformed proxy address: {}'.format(proxy))
if proxy_parsed.scheme == 'mtproxy':
return ('mtproxy', proxy_parsed.hostname, proxy_parsed.port, proxy_parsed.username)
import socks
except ImportError:
raise TelegramProxyError('pysocks module is required for use HTTP/socks proxies. '
'Install it using: pip install pysocks')
proxy_type = {
'http': socks.HTTP,
'socks4': socks.SOCKS4,
'socks5': socks.SOCKS5,
if proxy_type is None:
raise TelegramProxyError('Unsupported proxy type: {}'.format(proxy_parsed.scheme))
return (proxy_type, proxy_parsed.hostname, proxy_parsed.port, True,
proxy_parsed.username, proxy_parsed.password)
class TelegramManagerClient(TelegramUploadClient, TelegramDownloadClient):
def __init__(self, config_file, proxy=None, **kwargs):
with open(config_file) as f:
config = json.load(f)
self.config_file = config_file
proxy = proxy if proxy is not None else get_proxy_environment_variable()
proxy = parse_proxy_string(proxy)
if proxy and proxy[0] == 'mtproxy':
proxy = proxy[1:]
kwargs['connection'] = ConnectionTcpMTProxyRandomizedIntermediate
super().__init__(config.get('session', SESSION_FILE), config['api_id'], config['api_hash'],
proxy=proxy, **kwargs)
def start(
phone=lambda: click.prompt('Please enter your phone', type=phone_match),
password=lambda: getpass.getpass('Please enter your password: '),
bot_token=None, force_sms=False, code_callback=None,
first_name='New User', last_name='', max_attempts=3):
return super().start(phone=phone, password=password, bot_token=bot_token, force_sms=force_sms,
first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name, max_attempts=max_attempts)
except ApiIdInvalidError:
raise InvalidApiFileError(self.config_file)
def me(self) -> Union[User, InputPeerUser]:
return self.get_me()
def max_file_size(self):
if hasattr(, 'premium') and
def max_caption_length(self):
if hasattr(, 'premium') and

View File

@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
import asyncio
import hashlib
import os
import time
from typing import Iterable, Optional
import click
from telethon import TelegramClient, utils, helpers, custom
from telethon.crypto import AES
from telethon.errors import RPCError, FloodWaitError, InvalidBufferError, FloodError
from import types, functions, TLRequest
from telethon.utils import pack_bot_file_id
from telegram_upload.client.progress_bar import get_progress_bar
from telegram_upload.exceptions import TelegramUploadDataLoss, MissingFileError
from telegram_upload.upload_files import File
from telegram_upload.utils import grouper, async_to_sync, get_environment_integer
class TelegramUploadClient(TelegramClient):
parallel_upload_blocks = PARALLEL_UPLOAD_BLOCKS
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.reconnecting_lock = asyncio.Lock()
self.upload_semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(self.parallel_upload_blocks)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def forward_to(self, message, destinations):
for destination in destinations:
self.forward_messages(destination, [message])
async def _send_album_media(self, entity, media):
entity = await self.get_input_entity(entity)
request = functions.messages.SendMultiMediaRequest(
entity, multi_media=media, silent=None, schedule_date=None, clear_draft=None
result = await self(request)
random_ids = [m.random_id for m in media]
return self._get_response_message(random_ids, result, entity)
def send_files_as_album(self, entity, files, delete_on_success=False, print_file_id=False,
for files_group in grouper(ALBUM_FILES, files):
media = self.send_files(entity, files_group, delete_on_success, print_file_id, forward, send_as_media=True)
async_to_sync(self._send_album_media(entity, media))
def _send_file_message(self, entity, file, thumb, progress):
message = self.send_file(entity, file, thumb=thumb,
file_size=file.file_size if isinstance(file, File) else None,
caption=file.file_caption, force_document=file.force_file,
progress_callback=progress, attributes=file.file_attributes)
if hasattr(, 'document') and file.file_size !=
raise TelegramUploadDataLoss(
'Remote document size: {} bytes (local file size: {} bytes)'.format(, file.file_size))
return message
async def _send_media(self, entity, file: File, progress):
entity = await self.get_input_entity(entity)
supports_streaming = False # TODO
fh, fm, _ = await self._file_to_media(
file, supports_streaming=file, progress_callback=progress)
if isinstance(fm, types.InputMediaUploadedPhoto):
r = await self(functions.messages.UploadMediaRequest(
entity, media=fm
fm = utils.get_input_media(
elif isinstance(fm, types.InputMediaUploadedDocument):
r = await self(functions.messages.UploadMediaRequest(
entity, media=fm
fm = utils.get_input_media(
r.document, supports_streaming=supports_streaming)
return types.InputSingleMedia(
# random_id is autogenerated
def send_one_file(self, entity, file: File, send_as_media: bool = False, thumb: Optional[str] = None,
message = None
progress, bar = get_progress_bar('Uploading', file.file_name, file.file_size)
# TODO: remove distinction?
if send_as_media:
message = async_to_sync(self._send_media(entity, file, progress))
message = self._send_file_message(entity, file, thumb, progress)
except (FloodWaitError,FloodError) as e:
click.echo(f'{e}. Waiting for {e.seconds} seconds.', err=True)
message = self.send_one_file(entity, file, send_as_media, thumb, retries)
except RPCError as e:
if retries > 0:
click.echo(f'The file "{file.file_name}" could not be uploaded: {e}. Retrying...', err=True)
message = self.send_one_file(entity, file, send_as_media, thumb, retries - 1)
click.echo(f'The file "{file.file_name}" could not be uploaded: {e}. It will not be retried.', err=True)
return message
def send_files(self, entity, files: Iterable[File], delete_on_success=False, print_file_id=False,
forward=(), send_as_media: bool = False):
has_files = False
messages = []
for file in files:
has_files = True
thumb = file.get_thumbnail()
message = self.send_one_file(entity, file, send_as_media, thumb=thumb)
if thumb and not file.is_custom_thumbnail and os.path.lexists(thumb):
if message is None:
click.echo('Failed to upload file "{}"'.format(file.file_name), err=True)
if message and print_file_id:
click.echo('Uploaded successfully "{}" (file_id {})'.format(file.file_name,
if message and delete_on_success:
click.echo('Deleting "{}"'.format(file))
if message:
self.forward_to(message, forward)
if not has_files:
raise MissingFileError('Files do not exist.')
return messages
async def upload_file(
self: 'TelegramClient',
file: 'hints.FileLike',
part_size_kb: float = None,
file_size: int = None,
file_name: str = None,
use_cache: type = None,
key: bytes = None,
iv: bytes = None,
progress_callback: 'hints.ProgressCallback' = None) -> 'types.TypeInputFile':
Uploads a file to Telegram's servers, without sending it.
.. note::
Generally, you want to use `send_file` instead.
This method returns a handle (an instance of :tl:`InputFile` or
:tl:`InputFileBig`, as required) which can be later used before
it expires (they are usable during less than a day).
Uploading a file will simply return a "handle" to the file stored
remotely in the Telegram servers, which can be later used on. This
will **not** upload the file to your own chat or any chat at all.
file (`str` | `bytes` | `file`):
The path of the file, byte array, or stream that will be sent.
Note that if a byte array or a stream is given, a filename
or its type won't be inferred, and it will be sent as an
"unnamed application/octet-stream".
part_size_kb (`int`, optional):
Chunk size when uploading files. The larger, the less
requests will be made (up to 512KB maximum).
file_size (`int`, optional):
The size of the file to be uploaded, which will be determined
automatically if not specified.
If the file size can't be determined beforehand, the entire
file will be read in-memory to find out how large it is.
file_name (`str`, optional):
The file name which will be used on the resulting InputFile.
If not specified, the name will be taken from the ``file``
and if this is not a `str`, it will be ``"unnamed"``.
use_cache (`type`, optional):
This parameter currently does nothing, but is kept for
backward-compatibility (and it may get its use back in
the future).
key ('bytes', optional):
In case of an encrypted upload (secret chats) a key is supplied
iv ('bytes', optional):
In case of an encrypted upload (secret chats) an iv is supplied
progress_callback (`callable`, optional):
A callback function accepting two parameters:
``(sent bytes, total)``.
When sending an album, the callback will receive a number
between 0 and the amount of files as the "sent" parameter,
and the amount of files as the "total". Note that the first
parameter will be a floating point number to indicate progress
within a file (e.g. ``2.5`` means it has sent 50% of the third
file, because it's between 2 and 3).
:tl:`InputFileBig` if the file size is larger than 10MB,
`InputSizedFile <>`
(subclass of :tl:`InputFile`) otherwise.
.. code-block:: python
# Photos as photo and document
file = await client.upload_file('photo.jpg')
await client.send_file(chat, file) # sends as photo
await client.send_file(chat, file, force_document=True) # sends as document = 'not a photo.jpg'
await client.send_file(chat, file, force_document=True) # document, new name
# As song or as voice note
file = await client.upload_file('song.ogg')
await client.send_file(chat, file) # sends as song
await client.send_file(chat, file, voice_note=True) # sends as voice note
if isinstance(file, (types.InputFile, types.InputFileBig)):
return file # Already uploaded
async with helpers._FileStream(file, file_size=file_size) as stream:
# Opening the stream will determine the correct file size
file_size = stream.file_size
if not part_size_kb:
part_size_kb = utils.get_appropriated_part_size(file_size)
if part_size_kb > 512:
raise ValueError('The part size must be less or equal to 512KB')
part_size = int(part_size_kb * 1024)
if part_size % 1024 != 0:
raise ValueError(
'The part size must be evenly divisible by 1024')
# Set a default file name if None was specified
file_id = helpers.generate_random_long()
if not file_name:
file_name = or str(file_id)
# If the file name lacks extension, add it if possible.
# Else Telegram complains with `PHOTO_EXT_INVALID_ERROR`
# even if the uploaded image is indeed a photo.
if not os.path.splitext(file_name)[-1]:
file_name += utils._get_extension(stream)
# Determine whether the file is too big (over 10MB) or not
# Telegram does make a distinction between smaller or larger files
is_big = file_size > 10 * 1024 * 1024
hash_md5 = hashlib.md5()
part_count = (file_size + part_size - 1) // part_size
self._log[__name__].info('Uploading file of %d bytes in %d chunks of %d',
file_size, part_count, part_size)
pos = 0
for part_index in range(part_count):
# Read the file by in chunks of size part_size
part = await helpers._maybe_await(
if not isinstance(part, bytes):
raise TypeError(
'file descriptor returned {}, not bytes (you must '
'open the file in bytes mode)'.format(type(part)))
# `file_size` could be wrong in which case `part` may not be
# `part_size` before reaching the end.
if len(part) != part_size and part_index < part_count - 1:
raise ValueError(
'read less than {} before reaching the end; either '
'`file_size` or `read` are wrong'.format(part_size))
pos += len(part)
# Encryption part if needed
if key and iv:
part = AES.encrypt_ige(part, key, iv)
if not is_big:
# Bit odd that MD5 is only needed for small files and not
# big ones with more chance for corruption, but that's
# what Telegram wants.
# The SavePartRequest is different depending on whether
# the file is too large or not (over or less than 10MB)
if is_big:
request = functions.upload.SaveBigFilePartRequest(
file_id, part_index, part_count, part)
request = functions.upload.SaveFilePartRequest(
file_id, part_index, part)
await self.upload_semaphore.acquire()
self._send_file_part(request, part_index, part_count, pos, file_size, progress_callback),
# Wait for all tasks to finish
await asyncio.wait([
task for task in asyncio.all_tasks() if task.get_name().startswith(f"telegram-upload-file-")
if is_big:
return types.InputFileBig(file_id, part_count, file_name)
return custom.InputSizedFile(
file_id, part_count, file_name, md5=hash_md5, size=file_size
# endregion
async def _send_file_part(self, request: TLRequest, part_index: int, part_count: int, pos: int, file_size: int,
progress_callback: Optional['hints.ProgressCallback'] = None, retry: int = 0) -> None:
Submit the file request part to Telegram. This method waits for the request to be executed, logs the upload,
and releases the semaphore to allow further uploading.
:param request: SaveBigFilePartRequest or SaveFilePartRequest. This request will be awaited.
:param part_index: Part index as integer. Used in logging.
:param part_count: Total parts count as integer. Used in logging.
:param pos: Number of part as integer. Used for progress bar.
:param file_size: Total file size. Used for progress bar.
:param progress_callback: Callback to use after submit the request. Optional.
:return: None
result = None
result = await self(request)
except InvalidBufferError as e:
if e.code == 429:
# Too many connections
click.echo(f'Too many connections to Telegram servers.', err=True)
except ConnectionError:
# Retry to send the file part
click.echo(f'Detected connection error. Retrying...', err=True)
except FloodError as e:
if result is None and retry < MAX_RECONNECT_RETRIES:
# An error occurred, retry
await asyncio.sleep(max(MIN_RECONNECT_WAIT, retry * MIN_RECONNECT_WAIT))
await self.reconnect()
await self._send_file_part(
request, part_index, part_count, pos, file_size, progress_callback, retry + 1
elif result:
self._log[__name__].debug('Uploaded %d/%d',
part_index + 1, part_count)
if progress_callback:
await helpers._maybe_await(progress_callback(pos, file_size))
raise RuntimeError(
'Failed to upload file part {}.'.format(part_index))
def decrease_upload_semaphore(self):
Decreases the upload semaphore by one. This method is used to reduce the number of parallel uploads.
if self.parallel_upload_blocks > 1:
self.parallel_upload_blocks -= 1
async def reconnect(self):
Reconnects to Telegram servers.
:return: None
await self.reconnecting_lock.acquire()
if self.is_connected():
# Reconnected in another task
click.echo(f'Reconnecting to Telegram servers...')
await asyncio.wait_for(self.connect(), RECONNECT_TIMEOUT)
click.echo(f'Reconnected to Telegram servers.')
except InvalidBufferError:
click.echo(f'InvalidBufferError connecting to Telegram servers.', err=True)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
click.echo(f'Timeout connecting to Telegram servers.', err=True)

24 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
import json
import os
import click
CONFIG_FILE = os.path.expanduser('{}/telegram-upload.json'.format(CONFIG_DIRECTORY))
SESSION_FILE = os.path.expanduser('{}/telegram-upload'.format(CONFIG_DIRECTORY))
def prompt_config(config_file):
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(config_file), exist_ok=True)
click.echo('Go to and create a App in API development tools')
api_id = click.prompt('Please Enter api_id', type=int)
api_hash = click.prompt('Now enter api_hash')
with open(config_file, 'w') as f:
json.dump({'api_id': api_id, 'api_hash': api_hash}, f)
return config_file
def default_config():
if os.path.lexists(CONFIG_FILE):
return prompt_config(CONFIG_FILE)

210 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
import os
import sys
from typing import Iterable, Iterator, Optional, BinaryIO
from import Message, DocumentAttributeFilename
if sys.version_info < (3, 8):
cached_property = property
from functools import cached_property
CHUNK_FILE_SIZE = 1024 * 1024
def pipe_file(read_file_name: str, write_file: BinaryIO):
"""Read a file by its file name and write in another file already open."""
with open(read_file_name, "rb") as read_file:
while True:
data =
if data:
class JoinStrategyBase:
"""Base class to inherit join strategies. The strategies depend on the file type.
For example, zip files and rar files do not merge in the same way.
def __init__(self):
self.download_files = []
def is_part(self, download_file: 'DownloadFile') -> bool:
"""Returns if the download file is part of this bundle."""
raise NotImplementedError
def add_download_file(self, download_file: 'DownloadFile') -> None:
"""Add a download file to this bundle."""
if download_file in self.download_files:
def is_applicable(cls, download_file: 'DownloadFile') -> bool:
"""Returns if this strategy is applicable to the download file."""
raise NotImplementedError
def join_download_files(self):
"""Join the downloaded files in the bundle."""
raise NotImplementedError
class UnionJoinStrategy(JoinStrategyBase):
"""Join separate files without any application. These files have extension
01, 02, 03...
base_name: Optional[str] = None
def get_base_name(download_file: 'DownloadFile'):
"""Returns the file name without extension."""
return download_file.file_name.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
def add_download_file(self, download_file: 'DownloadFile') -> None:
"""Add a download file to this bundle."""
if self.base_name is None:
self.base_name = self.get_base_name(download_file)
def is_part(self, download_file: 'DownloadFile') -> bool:
"""Returns if the download file is part of this bundle."""
return self.base_name == self.get_base_name(download_file)
def is_applicable(cls, download_file: 'DownloadFile') -> bool:
"""Returns if this strategy is applicable to the download file."""
return download_file.file_name_extension.isdigit()
def join_download_files(self):
"""Join the downloaded files in the bundle."""
download_files = self.download_files
sorted_files = sorted(download_files, key=lambda x: x.file_name_extension)
sorted_files = [file for file in sorted_files if os.path.lexists(file.downloaded_file_name or "")]
if not sorted_files or len(sorted_files) - 1 != int(sorted_files[-1].file_name_extension):
# There are parts of the file missing. Stopping...
with open(self.get_base_name(sorted_files[0]), "wb") as new_file:
for download_file in sorted_files:
pipe_file(download_file.downloaded_file_name, new_file)
for download_file in sorted_files:
def get_join_strategy(download_file: 'DownloadFile') -> Optional[JoinStrategyBase]:
"""Get join strategy for the download file. An instance is returned if a strategy
is available. Otherwise, None is returned.
for strategy_cls in JOIN_STRATEGIES:
if strategy_cls.is_applicable(download_file):
strategy = strategy_cls()
return strategy
class DownloadFile:
"""File to download. This includes the Telethon message with the file."""
downloaded_file_name: Optional[str] = None
def __init__(self, message: Message):
"""Creates the download file instance from the message."""
self.message = message
def set_download_file_name(self, file_name):
"""After download the file, set the final download file name."""
self.downloaded_file_name = file_name
def filename_attr(self) -> Optional[DocumentAttributeFilename]:
"""Get the document attribute file name attribute in the document."""
return next(filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, DocumentAttributeFilename),
self.document.attributes), None)
def file_name(self) -> str:
"""Get the file name."""
return self.filename_attr.file_name if self.filename_attr else 'Unknown'
def file_name_extension(self) -> str:
"""Get the file name extension."""
parts = self.file_name.rsplit(".", 1)
return parts[-1] if len(parts) >= 2 else ""
def document(self):
"""Get the message document."""
return self.message.document
def size(self) -> int:
"""Get the file size."""
return self.document.size
def __eq__(self, other: 'DownloadFile'):
"""Compare download files by their file name."""
return self.file_name == other.file_name
class DownloadSplitFilesBase:
"""Iterate over complete and split files. Base class to inherit."""
def __init__(self, messages: Iterable[Message]):
self.messages = messages
def get_iterator(self) -> Iterator[DownloadFile]:
"""Get an iterator with the download files."""
raise NotImplementedError
def __iter__(self) -> 'DownloadSplitFilesBase':
"""Set the iterator from the get_iterator method."""
self._iterator = self.get_iterator()
return self
def __next__(self) -> 'DownloadFile':
"""Get the next download file in the iterator."""
if self._iterator is None:
self._iterator = self.get_iterator()
return next(self._iterator)
class KeepDownloadSplitFiles(DownloadSplitFilesBase):
"""Download split files without join it."""
def get_iterator(self) -> Iterator[DownloadFile]:
"""Get an iterator with the download files."""
return map(lambda message: DownloadFile(message), self.messages)
class JoinDownloadSplitFiles(DownloadSplitFilesBase):
"""Download split files and join it."""
def get_iterator(self) -> Iterator[DownloadFile]:
"""Get an iterator with the download files. This method applies the join strategy and
joins the files after download it.
current_join_strategy: Optional[JoinStrategyBase] = None
for message in self.messages:
download_file = DownloadFile(message)
yield download_file
if current_join_strategy and current_join_strategy.is_part(download_file):
# There is a bundle in process and the download file is part of it. Add the download
# file to the bundle.
elif current_join_strategy and not current_join_strategy.is_part(download_file):
# There is a bundle in process and the download file is not part of it. Join the files
# in the bundle and finish it.
current_join_strategy = None
if current_join_strategy is None:
# There is no bundle in process. Get the current bundle if the file has a strategy
# available.
current_join_strategy = get_join_strategy(download_file)
# After finish all the files, join the latest bundle.
if current_join_strategy:

76 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Exceptions for telegram-upload."""
import sys
import click
from telegram_upload.config import prompt_config
class ThumbError(Exception):
class ThumbVideoError(ThumbError):
class TelegramUploadError(Exception):
body = ''
error_code = 1
def __init__(self, extra_body=''):
self.extra_body = extra_body
def __str__(self):
msg = self.__class__.__name__
if self.body:
msg += ': {}'.format(self.body)
if self.extra_body:
msg += ('. {}' if self.body else ': {}').format(self.extra_body)
return msg
class MissingFileError(TelegramUploadError):
class InvalidApiFileError(TelegramUploadError):
def __init__(self, config_file, extra_body=''):
self.config_file = config_file
class TelegramInvalidFile(TelegramUploadError):
error_code = 3
class TelegramUploadNoSpaceError(TelegramUploadError):
error_code = 28
class TelegramUploadDataLoss(TelegramUploadError):
error_code = 29
class TelegramProxyError(TelegramUploadError):
error_code = 30
class TelegramEnvironmentError(TelegramUploadError):
error_code = 31
def catch(fn):
def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
return fn(*args, **kwargs)
except InvalidApiFileError as e:
click.echo('The api_id/api_hash combination is invalid. Re-enter both values.')
return catch(fn)(*args, **kwargs)
except TelegramUploadError as e:
sys.stderr.write('[Error] telegram-upload Exception:\n{}\n'.format(e))
return wrap

255 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Console script for telegram-upload."""
import os
import click
from import User
from telegram_upload.cli import show_checkboxlist, show_radiolist
from telegram_upload.client import TelegramManagerClient, get_message_file_attribute
from telegram_upload.config import default_config, CONFIG_FILE
from telegram_upload.download_files import KeepDownloadSplitFiles, JoinDownloadSplitFiles
from telegram_upload.exceptions import catch
from telegram_upload.upload_files import NoDirectoriesFiles, RecursiveFiles, NoLargeFiles, SplitFiles, is_valid_file
from telegram_upload.utils import async_to_sync, amap, sync_to_async_iterator
from natsort import natsorted
except ImportError:
natsorted = None
'fail': NoDirectoriesFiles,
'recursive': RecursiveFiles,
'fail': NoLargeFiles,
'split': SplitFiles,
'keep': KeepDownloadSplitFiles,
'join': JoinDownloadSplitFiles,
def get_file_display_name(message):
display_name_parts = []
is_document = message.document
if is_document and message.document.mime_type:
if is_document and get_message_file_attribute(message):
if message.text:
display_name_parts.append(f'[{message.text}]' if display_name_parts else message.text)
from_user = message.sender and isinstance(message.sender, User)
if from_user:
if from_user and message.sender.first_name:
if from_user and message.sender.last_name:
if from_user and message.sender.username:
return ' '.join(display_name_parts)
async def interactive_select_files(client, entity: str):
iterator = client.iter_files(entity)
iterator = amap(lambda x: (x, get_file_display_name(x)), iterator,)
return await show_checkboxlist(iterator)
async def interactive_select_local_files():
iterator = filter(lambda x: os.path.isfile(x) and os.path.lexists(x), os.listdir('.'))
iterator = sync_to_async_iterator(map(lambda x: (x, x), iterator))
return await show_checkboxlist(iterator, 'Not files were found in the current directory '
'(subdirectories are not supported). Exiting...')
async def interactive_select_dialog(client):
iterator = client.iter_dialogs()
iterator = amap(lambda x: (x,, iterator,)
value = await show_radiolist(iterator, 'Not dialogs were found in your Telegram session. '
'Have you started any conversations?')
return if value else None
class MutuallyExclusiveOption(click.Option):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.mutually_exclusive = set(kwargs.pop('mutually_exclusive', []))
help = kwargs.get('help', '')
if self.mutually_exclusive:
kwargs['help'] = help + (
' NOTE: This argument is mutually exclusive with'
' arguments: [{}].'.format(self.mutually_exclusive_text)
super(MutuallyExclusiveOption, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def handle_parse_result(self, ctx, opts, args):
if self.mutually_exclusive.intersection(opts) and in opts:
raise click.UsageError(
"Illegal usage: `{}` is mutually exclusive with "
"arguments `{}`.".format(,
return super(MutuallyExclusiveOption, self).handle_parse_result(
def mutually_exclusive_text(self):
return ', '.join([x.replace('_', '-') for x in self.mutually_exclusive])
@click.argument('files', nargs=-1)
@click.option('--to', default=None, help='Phone number, username, invite link or "me" (saved messages). '
'By default "me".')
@click.option('--config', default=None, help='Configuration file to use. By default "{}".'.format(CONFIG_FILE))
@click.option('-d', '--delete-on-success', is_flag=True, help='Delete local file after successful upload.')
@click.option('--print-file-id', is_flag=True, help='Print the id of the uploaded file after the upload.')
@click.option('--force-file', is_flag=True, help='Force send as a file. The filename will be preserved '
'but the preview will not be available.')
@click.option('-f', '--forward', multiple=True, help='Forward the file to a chat (alias or id) or user (username, '
'mobile or id). This option can be used multiple times.')
@click.option('--directories', default='fail', type=click.Choice(list(DIRECTORY_MODES.keys())),
help='Defines how to process directories. By default directories are not accepted and will raise an '
@click.option('--large-files', default='fail', type=click.Choice(list(LARGE_FILE_MODES.keys())),
help='Defines how to process large files unsupported for Telegram. By default large files are not '
'accepted and will raise an error.')
@click.option('--caption', type=str, help='Change file description. By default the file name.')
@click.option('--no-thumbnail', is_flag=True, cls=MutuallyExclusiveOption, mutually_exclusive=["thumbnail_file"],
help='Disable thumbnail generation. For some known file formats, Telegram may still generate a '
'thumbnail or show a preview.')
@click.option('--thumbnail-file', default=None, cls=MutuallyExclusiveOption, mutually_exclusive=["no_thumbnail"],
help='Path to the preview file to use for the uploaded file.')
@click.option('-p', '--proxy', default=None,
help='Use an http proxy, socks4, socks5 or mtproxy. For example socks5://user:pass@ '
'for socks5 and mtproxy://secret@ for mtproxy.')
@click.option('-a', '--album', is_flag=True,
help='Send video or photos as an album.')
@click.option('-i', '--interactive', is_flag=True,
help='Use interactive mode.')
@click.option('--sort', is_flag=True,
help='Sort files by name before upload it. Install the natsort Python package for natural sorting.')
def upload(files, to, config, delete_on_success, print_file_id, force_file, forward, directories, large_files, caption,
no_thumbnail, thumbnail_file, proxy, album, interactive, sort):
"""Upload one or more files to Telegram using your personal account.
The maximum file size is 2 GiB for free users and 4 GiB for premium accounts.
By default, they will be saved in your saved messages.
client = TelegramManagerClient(config or default_config(), proxy=proxy)
if interactive and not files:
click.echo('Select the local files to upload:')
click.echo('[SPACE] Select file [ENTER] Next step')
files = async_to_sync(interactive_select_local_files())
if interactive and not files:
# No files selected. Exiting.
if interactive and to is None:
click.echo('Select the recipient dialog of the files:')
click.echo('[SPACE] Select dialog [ENTER] Next step')
to = async_to_sync(interactive_select_dialog(client))
elif to is None:
to = 'me'
files = filter(lambda file: is_valid_file(file, lambda message: click.echo(message, err=True)), files)
files = DIRECTORY_MODES[directories](client, files)
if directories == 'fail':
# Validate now
files = list(files)
if no_thumbnail:
thumbnail = False
elif thumbnail_file:
thumbnail = thumbnail_file
thumbnail = None
files_cls = LARGE_FILE_MODES[large_files]
files = files_cls(client, files, caption=caption, thumbnail=thumbnail, force_file=force_file)
if large_files == 'fail':
# Validate now
files = list(files)
if isinstance(to, str) and to.lstrip("-+").isdigit():
to = int(to)
if sort and natsorted:
files = natsorted(files, key=lambda x:
elif sort:
files = sorted(files, key=lambda x:
if album:
client.send_files_as_album(to, files, delete_on_success, print_file_id, forward)
client.send_files(to, files, delete_on_success, print_file_id, forward)
@click.option('--from', '-f', 'from_', default='',
help='Phone number, username, chat id or "me" (saved messages). By default "me".')
@click.option('--config', default=None, help='Configuration file to use. By default "{}".'.format(CONFIG_FILE))
@click.option('-d', '--delete-on-success', is_flag=True,
help='Delete telegram message after successful download. Useful for creating a download queue.')
@click.option('-p', '--proxy', default=None,
help='Use an http proxy, socks4, socks5 or mtproxy. For example socks5://user:pass@ '
'for socks5 and mtproxy://secret@ for mtproxy.')
@click.option('-m', '--split-files', default='keep', type=click.Choice(list(DOWNLOAD_SPLIT_FILE_MODES.keys())),
help='Defines how to download large files split in Telegram. By default the files are not merged.')
@click.option('-i', '--interactive', is_flag=True,
help='Use interactive mode.')
def download(from_, config, delete_on_success, proxy, split_files, interactive):
"""Download all the latest messages that are files in a chat, by default download
from "saved messages". It is recommended to forward the files to download to
"saved messages" and use parameter ``--delete-on-success``. Forwarded messages will
be removed from the chat after downloading, such as a download queue.
client = TelegramManagerClient(config or default_config(), proxy=proxy)
if not interactive and not from_:
from_ = 'me'
elif isinstance(from_, str) and from_.lstrip("-+").isdigit():
from_ = int(from_)
elif interactive and not from_:
click.echo('Select the dialog of the files to download:')
click.echo('[SPACE] Select dialog [ENTER] Next step')
from_ = async_to_sync(interactive_select_dialog(client))
if interactive:
click.echo('Select all files to download:')
click.echo('[SPACE] Select files [ENTER] Download selected files')
messages = async_to_sync(interactive_select_files(client, from_))
messages = client.find_files(from_)
messages_cls = DOWNLOAD_SPLIT_FILE_MODES[split_files]
download_files = messages_cls(reversed(list(messages)))
client.download_files(from_, download_files, delete_on_success)
upload_cli = catch(upload)
download_cli = catch(download)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
import re
sys.argv[0] = re.sub(r'(-script\.pyw|\.exe)?$', '', sys.argv[0])
commands = {'upload': upload_cli, 'download': download_cli}
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
sys.stderr.write('A command is required. Available commands: {}\n'.format(
', '.join(commands)
if sys.argv[1] not in commands:
sys.stderr.write('{} is an invalid command. Valid commands: {}\n'.format(
sys.argv[1], ', '.join(commands)
fn = commands[sys.argv[1]]
sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]] + sys.argv[2:]

254 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
import datetime
import math
import os
import mimetypes
from io import FileIO, SEEK_SET
from typing import Union, TYPE_CHECKING
import click
from hachoir.metadata.metadata import RootMetadata
from import MP4Metadata
from import DocumentAttributeVideo, DocumentAttributeFilename
from telegram_upload.caption_formatter import CaptionFormatter, FilePath
from telegram_upload.exceptions import TelegramInvalidFile, ThumbError
from telegram_upload.utils import scantree, truncate
from import get_video_thumb, video_metadata
from telegram_upload.client import TelegramManagerClient
def is_valid_file(file, error_logger=None):
error_message = None
if not os.path.lexists(file):
error_message = 'File "{}" does not exist.'.format(file)
elif not os.path.getsize(file):
error_message = 'File "{}" is empty.'.format(file)
if error_message and error_logger is not None:
return error_message is None
def get_file_mime(file):
return (mimetypes.guess_type(file)[0] or ('')).split('/')[0]
def metadata_has(metadata: RootMetadata, key: str):
return metadata.has(key)
except ValueError:
return False
def get_file_attributes(file):
attrs = []
mime = get_file_mime(file)
if mime == 'video':
metadata = video_metadata(file)
video_meta = metadata
meta_groups = None
if hasattr(metadata, '_MultipleMetadata__groups'):
# Is mkv
meta_groups = metadata._MultipleMetadata__groups
if metadata is not None and not metadata.has('width') and meta_groups:
video_meta = meta_groups[next(filter(lambda x: x.startswith('video'), meta_groups._key_list))]
if metadata is not None:
supports_streaming = isinstance(video_meta, MP4Metadata)
(0, metadata.get('duration').seconds)[metadata_has(metadata, 'duration')],
(0, video_meta.get('width'))[metadata_has(video_meta, 'width')],
(0, video_meta.get('height'))[metadata_has(video_meta, 'height')],
return attrs
def get_file_thumb(file):
if get_file_mime(file) == 'video':
return get_video_thumb(file)
class UploadFilesBase:
def __init__(self, client: 'TelegramManagerClient', files, thumbnail: Union[str, bool, None] = None,
force_file: bool = False, caption: Union[str, None] = None):
self._iterator = None
self.client = client
self.files = files
self.thumbnail = thumbnail
self.force_file = force_file
self.caption = caption
def get_iterator(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def __iter__(self):
self._iterator = self.get_iterator()
return self
def __next__(self):
if self._iterator is None:
self._iterator = self.get_iterator()
return next(self._iterator)
class RecursiveFiles(UploadFilesBase):
def get_iterator(self):
for file in self.files:
if os.path.isdir(file):
yield from map(lambda file: file.path,
filter(lambda x: not x.is_dir(), scantree(file, True)))
yield file
class NoDirectoriesFiles(UploadFilesBase):
def get_iterator(self):
for file in self.files:
if os.path.isdir(file):
raise TelegramInvalidFile('"{}" is a directory.'.format(file))
yield file
class LargeFilesBase(UploadFilesBase):
def get_iterator(self):
for file in self.files:
if os.path.getsize(file) > self.client.max_file_size:
yield from self.process_large_file(file)
yield self.process_normal_file(file)
def process_normal_file(self, file: str) -> 'File':
return File(self.client, file, force_file=self.force_file, thumbnail=self.thumbnail, caption=self.caption)
def process_large_file(self, file):
raise NotImplementedError
class NoLargeFiles(LargeFilesBase):
def process_large_file(self, file):
raise TelegramInvalidFile('"{}" file is too large for Telegram.'.format(file))
class File(FileIO):
force_file = False
def __init__(self, client: 'TelegramManagerClient', path: str, force_file: Union[bool, None] = None,
thumbnail: Union[str, bool, None] = None, caption: Union[str, None] = None):
self.client = client
self.path = path
self.force_file = self.force_file if force_file is None else force_file
self._thumbnail = thumbnail
self._caption = caption
def file_name(self):
return os.path.basename(self.path)
def file_size(self):
return os.path.getsize(self.path)
def short_name(self):
return '.'.join(self.file_name.split('.')[:-1])
def is_custom_thumbnail(self):
return self._thumbnail is not False and self._thumbnail is not None
def file_caption(self) -> str:
"""Get file caption. If caption parameter is not set, return file name.
If caption is set, format it with CaptionFormatter.
Anyways, truncate caption to max_caption_length.
if self._caption is not None:
formatter = CaptionFormatter()
caption = formatter.format(self._caption, file=FilePath(self.path),
caption = self.short_name
return truncate(caption, self.client.max_caption_length)
def get_thumbnail(self):
thumb = None
if self._thumbnail is None and not self.force_file:
thumb = get_file_thumb(self.path)
except ThumbError as e:
click.echo('{}'.format(e), err=True)
elif self.is_custom_thumbnail:
if not isinstance(self._thumbnail, str):
raise TypeError('Invalid type for thumbnail: {}'.format(type(self._thumbnail)))
elif not os.path.lexists(self._thumbnail):
raise TelegramInvalidFile('{} thumbnail file does not exists.'.format(self._thumbnail))
thumb = self._thumbnail
return thumb
def file_attributes(self):
if self.force_file:
return [DocumentAttributeFilename(self.file_name)]
return get_file_attributes(self.path)
class SplitFile(File, FileIO):
force_file = True
def __init__(self, client: 'TelegramManagerClient', file: Union[str, bytes, int], max_read_size: int, name: str):
super().__init__(client, file)
self.max_read_size = max_read_size
self.remaining_size = max_read_size
self._name = name
def read(self, size: int = -1) -> bytes:
if size == -1:
size = self.remaining_size
if not self.remaining_size:
return b''
size = min(self.remaining_size, size)
self.remaining_size -= size
return super().read(size)
def readall(self) -> bytes:
def file_name(self):
return self._name
def file_size(self):
return self.max_read_size
def seek(self, offset: int, whence: int = SEEK_SET, split_seek: bool = False) -> int:
if not split_seek:
self.remaining_size += self.tell() - offset
return super().seek(offset, whence)
def short_name(self):
return self.file_name.split('/')[-1]
class SplitFiles(LargeFilesBase):
def process_large_file(self, file):
file_name = os.path.basename(file)
total_size = os.path.getsize(file)
parts = math.ceil(total_size / self.client.max_file_size)
zfill = int(math.log10(10)) + 1
for part in range(parts):
size = total_size - (part * self.client.max_file_size) if part >= parts - 1 else self.client.max_file_size
splitted_file = SplitFile(self.client, file, size, '{}.{}'.format(file_name, str(part).zfill(zfill))) * part, split_seek=True)
yield splitted_file

77 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
import asyncio
import itertools
import os
import shutil
from telegram_upload._compat import scandir
from telegram_upload.exceptions import TelegramEnvironmentError
def free_disk_usage(directory='.'):
return shutil.disk_usage(directory)[2]
def truncate(text, max_length):
return (text[:max_length - 3] + '...') if len(text) > max_length else text
def grouper(n, iterable):
it = iter(iterable)
while True:
chunk = tuple(itertools.islice(it, n))
if not chunk:
yield chunk
def sizeof_fmt(num, suffix='B'):
for unit in ['','Ki','Mi','Gi','Ti','Pi','Ei','Zi']:
if abs(num) < 1024.0:
return "%3.1f%s%s" % (num, unit, suffix)
num /= 1024.0
return "%.1f%s%s" % (num, 'Yi', suffix)
def scantree(path, follow_symlinks=False):
"""Recursively yield DirEntry objects for given directory."""
for entry in scandir(path):
if entry.is_dir(follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks):
yield from scantree(entry.path, follow_symlinks) # see below for Python 2.x
yield entry
def async_to_sync(coro):
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
if loop.is_running():
return coro
return loop.run_until_complete(coro)
async def aislice(iterator, limit):
items = []
i = 0
async for value in iterator:
if i > limit:
i += 1
return items
async def amap(fn, iterator):
async for value in iterator:
yield fn(value)
async def sync_to_async_iterator(iterator):
for value in iterator:
yield value
def get_environment_integer(environment_name: str, default_value: int):
"""Get an integer from an environment variable."""
value = os.environ.get(environment_name, default_value)
if isinstance(value, int) or value.isdigit():
return int(value)
raise TelegramEnvironmentError(f"Environment variable {environment_name} must be an integer")

69 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
import platform
import re
import subprocess
import tempfile
import os
from hachoir.metadata import extractMetadata
from hachoir.parser import createParser
from hachoir.core import config as hachoir_config
from telegram_upload.exceptions import ThumbVideoError
hachoir_config.quiet = True
def video_metadata(file):
return extractMetadata(createParser(file))
def call_ffmpeg(args):
return subprocess.Popen([get_ffmpeg_command()] + args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
except FileNotFoundError:
raise ThumbVideoError('ffmpeg command is not available. Thumbnails for videos are not available!')
def get_ffmpeg_command():
return os.environ.get('FFMPEG_COMMAND',
'ffmpeg.exe' if platform.system() == 'Windows' else 'ffmpeg')
def get_video_size(file):
p = call_ffmpeg([
'-i', file,
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
video_lines = re.findall(': Video: ([^\n]+)', stderr.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore'))
if not video_lines:
matchs = re.findall("(\d{2,6})x(\d{2,6})", video_lines[0])
if matchs:
return [int(x) for x in matchs[0]]
def get_video_thumb(file, output=None, size=200):
output = output or tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.jpg').name
metadata = video_metadata(file)
if metadata is None:
duration = metadata.get('duration').seconds if metadata.has('duration') else 0
ratio = get_video_size(file)
if ratio is None:
raise ThumbVideoError('Video ratio is not available.')
if ratio[0] / ratio[1] > 1:
width, height = size, -1
width, height = -1, size
p = call_ffmpeg([
'-ss', str(int(duration / 2)),
'-i', file,
'scale={}:{}'.format(width, height),
'-vframes:v', '1',
if not p.returncode and os.path.lexists(file):
return output